I have very much noticed that in this time when orchestras are not performing, and music jobs are almost non-existent, that it is very easy to let things slide with the oboe. That means we are just not playing critically as much as we should be. Finding a way to perform can be very difficult right now with covid-19. When I finally get the ability to perform with groups that I have long performed with, I think I might get pretty Misty-Eyed. I have so missed that performance and interaction with my fellow musicians, not to mention the audience.
One of the places that I can perform regularly now is in church. That is one place that has always been open to me and my wife who is a violinist. Even though we might not have been there, we were able to contribute recordings that were used on video and audio performances and services. I have long told my oboe students that they need to find places to play and one of the great places is in your house of worship. One thing you could be assured of is that you don’t have to be perfect because they already love you there! This is especially true with a youngster playing their oboe for their worship service. I remember doing that very thing when I was young. Did I sound great? Probably not!
So what I’m saying is this, seek out places to perform. If it is a place of worship, then great! But also many of you have community bands and orchestras is that you play with, and some of them have given you the opportunities to record video and audio programs.
If you want to see something great, take a look on YouTube and you can see the famous principal oboist of the Berlin Philharmonic, Albrecht Mayer do this very thing.
Keep Playing and Play Pretty!